Connecting Ubiquiti Aircam to Synology NAS – Surveillance Station 6.1-2941

How to:

This requires you to modify .conf files on your Synology NAS. If you are not familiar with how to do this or are not good in a UNIX terminal, you may want to investigate adding this package to your NAS before starting (for file editing):

Make sure both your UBNT Aircam and the Synology NAS are running most current (current date 2/20/2014) firmware/packages.

Start the SSH service on your NAS if you wish to SSH into it using Putty or some other flavor of client. Do this by logging into your NAS, selecting Control Panel, then clicking on Terminal. Select ‘Enable SSH service’ and click apply. Confirm that Surveillance Station 6.1 is already shut down before editing files (you can confirm this in the package manager)

SSH into your NAS by entering the IP address and using the default port. Username:  root, password: admin

Example: Type ssh root@ hit return and then wait for prompt and enter the password “admin”. Replace the IP address with your NAS IP address and if you have changed your root password (you really should) it will be something besides admin.

Navigate to and edit the following files (I used the vi command followed by a space and the file name):



Add under the {camera*list] (using vi, you click the insert button on your keyboard and then scroll up/down):


Then add, down below where the camera port/streams are called out:

      video source=”/live/ch01_0″
video source=video.cgi


Use ch00_0 for higher resolution video.

You then need to save that file (in vi, hit Esc, followed by a colon, followed by the letters ‘wq’ and then hit enter.

Next edit the following file:



It doesn’t exist (it will be blank and empty) however if you use VI (or similar editor) and save the contents, it will create the file for you.

Within that file, paste the following:

api = ubnt

channel_list = 1

default_channel = 1
resolutions_h264 = 640×480, 1280×720

default_resolution_h264 = 1280×720

fps_h264_[640×480] = 5,10,15,20,25,30
fps_h264_[1280×720] = 5,10,15,20,25,30
default_fps_h264_1280x720 = 10
default_fps_h264_640x480 = 10
default_image_quality = 5

h264 = rtsp

default_username = ubnt
default_password = ubnt

(Again, if in vi, hit Esc, then enter ‘:wq’ and hit return to save)

Restart your Surveillance Station 6.1 package and go add a new camera.

Select UBNT and Aircam.

Name your camera, enter port 554, your proper IP, and H.264 as your video type. Username and password need to match what you have set up on the Aircam in the web interface under video, RTSP Authentication (username/password). Synology only includes one free camera license per NAS unless you buy additional licences through them (search the web to find out more).

Hope you enjoy having your NAS directly talking with your Ubiquiti Aircam.


172 thoughts on “Connecting Ubiquiti Aircam to Synology NAS – Surveillance Station 6.1-2941

  1. Ben June 6, 2012 / 03:29

    Awesome works perfectly on my DS212 with my Aircam’s cheers 🙂

  2. MarkEye June 11, 2012 / 05:15

    Work! Thanks!!!! WOW!
    Next edit the following file:

    need edit UBNT.conf
    “vi UBNT.conf” is correct!


    • Laurie June 28, 2012 / 20:28

      I’ve found that the file needs to be called “UBNT” not “UBNT.conf” for it to work properly.

      • brandon314 November 23, 2012 / 15:43

        I changed the line so that it wraps and shows the whole file name. I found that it must be named UBNT.conf to properly work. Thanks!

  3. MarkEye June 12, 2012 / 01:05

    I have a only one problem! If i restart camera, synology surveillance no longer found (detect) already working ubiquiti cam.

  4. Laurie June 13, 2012 / 17:13

    I have updated camera and synology, edited the files, but still not connected. I only have the option for MJPEG under the Video tab.

  5. Arktur June 28, 2012 / 11:15

    Hi Brandon,
    thank you for sharing your experiences with us!
    You’ve helped me very much and it works!

    Best wishes from Germany!


    • Laurie June 28, 2012 / 17:11

      Finally got it going , including motion detection, I think adding the line
      rtp_tcp_only = yes
      as used in other configs helped.

  6. Joachim July 10, 2012 / 09:09

    I have no permission to access the volume1 folder…. What to do? :/

    • Arktur July 12, 2012 / 23:54

      The same when I tried it the first time: Putty: just use “root” instead of “admin” when you login to your synology. Password is the admin password.
      Then it will work…

  7. Greg Rubin July 12, 2012 / 16:40

    I’ve tried everything. I keep getting “Camera test failed.” I’m using a 1010+, updated the firmware on the NAS and AirCam. Under video format, I only have the option of “H.264”. I also tried a different camera. Any changes from the above that haven’t been posted?

    -Edited the files using Mertymade (great stuff!!)

    Thank you – any assistance is appreciated!!


    • Greg Rubin July 12, 2012 / 19:15

      UPDATE from Above: When entering the wrong IP address, I get a different error: “Device Info – Failed to connect the camera. Please check the following settings of the camera: IP address, hostname, port number.:

      So it does seem that “Camera test failed.” is going somewhere – just get getting the right results.

      • Laurie July 12, 2012 / 19:23

        Mine are working, and I only have the option of H.264 . Other settings, Port 554 , Brand UBNT, Model Aircam . I have both the aircam and aircam mini working.

  8. Greg Rubin July 12, 2012 / 19:55

    I have all the settings as you’ve stated – still nothing – very frustrating. I tried rebooting the NAS & camera too.

    Firmware versions:
    AirCam v1.1.3
    DSM 4.0-2228 (Date 2012/05/10)
    Model 1010+
    Surveillance Station 5.1-2209 (current package)


    • Laurie July 12, 2012 / 19:57

      Did you add in the line
      rtp_tcp_only = yes
      as I commented above – that seemed to help get mine working. Otherwise it may be trying to communicate over udp.

      • Greg Rubin July 13, 2012 / 03:49

        Yes, I wasn’t sure which file to add it to, so I added it to both.

      • Greg Rubin July 13, 2012 / 20:08

        Laurie, which file did you place “rtp_tcp_only = yes” into, the model or UBNT.conf? Also, where did you place it?

        Thanks you,

  9. Arktur July 12, 2012 / 23:52

    “Joachim Says:
    July 10, 2012 at 09:09

    I have no permission to access the volume1 folder…. What to do? :/”

    The same when I tried it the first time: Putty: just use “root” instead of “admin” when you login to your synology. Password is the admin password.
    Then it will work…

  10. jean July 13, 2012 / 02:22

    After several tries, this does not work for me (DS209 + II).
    I checked everything and I can clearly see my camera (1.1.3) with VLC.

    In Synology parameters, impossible to choose MPEG4 as the syno only purpose MJPEG ?
    Have you an idea?

  11. Greg Rubin July 13, 2012 / 03:48

    Try the package from Mertymade – much easier to access files…

  12. Greg Rubin July 13, 2012 / 20:44

    When I copied the above, the quotation marks for the video source copied at an angle and the NAS was not able to recognize the correct path. Motion detection and everything working….

    Thank you!!!


    • Jens September 9, 2012 / 07:08

      Thank you Greg. This was my error. Now it works.

  13. Laurie July 13, 2012 / 21:31

    The rtp_tcp_only=yes goes into the UBNT file only

    • Greg Rubin July 14, 2012 / 20:17

      Thank you.

  14. Terry Wilson August 21, 2012 / 21:23

    This works for DSM Beta 4.1 as well (Surveillance Station 6)

  15. matthew August 24, 2012 / 10:30

    Anyone have an idea on why my only option for compression is MJPEG and not MPEG4? Not connecting as well and this is the only reason I can come up with.

  16. Greg Rubin August 31, 2012 / 21:44

    Any word if there are changes when updating to Version 6?

  17. Daniel September 3, 2012 / 10:34


    First, thank you for the post. I figured out how to do this for a Logitech Alert Camera as well! A few people were looking for a way besides myself and this is perfect.

    Second, I would like to either copy and alter your method and post it on the synology / logitech forums, or somehow refer people to this blog with my revisions mentioned on the forum that I post to.

    I wanted to see what you prefer I do 🙂 Proper credit is due for your hard work; I wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise.

    Let me know.

    • brandon314 September 6, 2012 / 11:22


      Go for it.

      Maybe throw a shout-out or a link up to the blog post if ya can in-case someone needs more source material or I add more info later 🙂



      • Ian July 26, 2013 / 03:07

        Works like a dream with Logitech 700e addon camera, just change the resolution and cam name in the config files shown. Using Surveillance Station 6 and DSM 4.2-3211.
        FYI the “Config File Editor” fails on DSM 4.2-3211 (after a Google search to find it) but your Vi instructions worked perfectly.

      • Ian October 24, 2013 / 04:05

        Further to my last, Surveillance Station v6.0.2719 and Logitech Alert work fine with these instructions but from v6.1.2909 Java has been removed and the config files have moved (easily found) and changed. I’ve had a play with the config files but so far no joy. To be honest, best sticking with 6.0.2719.

  18. tejno September 4, 2012 / 13:09

    not working with 6. Camera test failed

    • Greg Rubin September 6, 2012 / 19:06

      Was it working prior to upgrading?

      • tejno September 10, 2012 / 08:06

        I used editor for NAS not vi editor. Version 6 was installed before editing of the setting. Still error message Camera test failed.

    • Greg Rubin September 9, 2012 / 12:05

      Just updated to Station 6, no problems.

      • tejno September 10, 2012 / 08:07

        I will try to reinstall Surveillance Station 6.

  19. Paul September 7, 2012 / 16:43

    Thanks Brandon. Do you think this method would work for other brands of IP cameras? I am really excited that someone else used your method to get their logitech alert cameras working.

    I want to try to get my Dropcam to work with Synology. How did you figure out what parameter to use for “video source”?

    • brandon314 September 7, 2012 / 17:48


      I knew the stream type of the Ubiquity AirCam so creating the config was actually fairly easy. The trick was what to keep and what to remove (and of course selecting all of the supported resolutions).

      I would suggest doing a try-and-see and make sure you keep backups of your configs just-in-case.

      Also by viewing the stream of the camera in a VLC media player I was able to determine stream types and paths fairly easily.


      • Daniel September 7, 2012 / 18:34


        As Brandon said, it definitely will work for other cameras. I was able to get my Logitech Alert cameras to work. It is video only so far, but that is far better than before, which was not at all.

        You can use vi to explore other vendors. For example:
        vi D-LINK.conf
        or whatever the name of the D-Link file is.

        There are a ton of options and exploring those other config file will give you an idea of what they are.

        Make sure you also check the manufacturers website (of the camera) and see that it matches with what you think it is. VLC said I was running at 60fps but Logitech says it only runs up to 15fps. I don’t know which one is true so I just went with Logitech’s specs 🙂

        Have fun. It’s worth it once you get it running. Post a how-to in the Synology forums if you do get it to work and have the opportunity. Even if no one thanks you, there will still most likely be people using it.

  20. Ben Dake October 8, 2012 / 19:21

    I am having the same issues Greg Rubin had above, where I get a different error when I use the correct IP, but it will not connect, but I can connect using VLC @ rtsp://
    I added the line to force TCP and am on the most current version of firmware on both units (UBNT 1.1.5 and DSM 4.1 with SurStation6)…any help would be appreciated

    • Dominic November 10, 2012 / 09:14

      Since this is linux based I’ve had more luck by typing the configurations instead of copy/pasting them (windows seems to keep some hidden properties) and make sure everything is 100% match (uppercase, lowercase, quotation marks…)

    • brandon314 November 23, 2012 / 15:50


      Did you name your UBNT properly as UBNT.conf ? The line was not showing up properly (text wrap not working for some reason).

      I updated it above if you want to make another go at it.

  21. Synology User November 22, 2012 / 11:38


    Please! Help. Every time I go to add camera from Camera List, it asks for a license pop up window.

    Many Thanks….

  22. brandon314 November 23, 2012 / 15:48

    I have just confirmed this works with the most current (11/23/2012) Surveillance Station and AirCam.v.1.1.5 firmware. I made some small adjustments to the displaying of the text so that the long lines are more clearly defined.

    ALSO: Be advised that when you update Surveillance Station it risks wiping all these files out. When I jumped from 5 to 6 they all disappeared (although the camera kept working fine). I only discovered the issue when I went to install camera #2.

  23. Ib Thomsen November 29, 2012 / 09:09


    Thanks Brandon for this guide… it works perfect 🙂

    i’m using DS2411+ (DSM 4.1-2661) with 7 cameras

  24. Joe March 6, 2013 / 16:56

    Dosen’t seem to work with the new beta firmware

    • Greg Rubin March 6, 2013 / 17:54

      Did someone say new firmware for the AirCam??

  25. Pongthorn Lerkraisit March 16, 2013 / 21:39

    Excuse, right now I’m able to use putty to log in to my DS413 but when I type


    the putty show “not found”

    Could you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    Thank you very much for any help.

    • brandon314 March 16, 2013 / 23:37

      You need to read the directions. 🙂

      vi /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/conf/camera_model.conf

      Then hit enter
      Now you are in the VI editor. If you google “vi editor” you will learn the commands how to navigate around and save files.

      Take care,

  26. Pongthorn Lerkraisit March 16, 2013 / 22:04

    Because I not familiar with using putty so I install the package from Mertymade. After I install, When I use the package, I don’t know what file I need to edit and I cannot file the file that contain the list of camera. As a result, could you tell me which file I need to edit to make my DS413 able to connect with UBNT Aircam. Thank you very much.

    • brandon314 March 26, 2013 / 11:51

      One of the files that needs editing actually needs creating.

      You need to edit camera_model.conf and then create UBNT.conf (the paths are listed in the original instructions).

      Don’t forget to shut down Surveillance Station before you start.


  27. Pongthorn Lerkraisit March 18, 2013 / 08:13

    Thank you sooo much brandon314. I do as you suggest to me and now I can connect the UBNT AirCam to my synology. Anyway I have another question about creating the “UBNT.conf” in the line

    fps_h264_1280720 = 5,10,15,20,25,30

    Should it has x between 1280 and 720 so that it will be like

    fps_h264_1280x720 = 5,10,15,20,25,30

    anyway, thank you so much again for your help.

  28. Synouser March 26, 2013 / 11:42

    does anyone have this working with DSM 4.2 and SS 6 with aircam sw 1.1.3? I cant seem to make it work with the suggested config settings in this blog?

    • brandon314 March 26, 2013 / 11:48

      I am running DSM 4.2 and SS 6.0-2383

      I am not sure not of my AirCam firmware but I just rebuilt the configs this weekend and everything is working well.

      What issues are you having?

      • Synouser March 26, 2013 / 12:04

        I get no video and camera test fails. if I bypass the test, the management panel show the camera disconnected. I can connect to the camera through the web ui and also with VLC. I have reviewed the camera config a few times and also tried with using the camera options for credentials. The original posted instructions have a bit of a conflict where as you suggest “Name your camera, enter port 554, your proper IP, and MPEG4 as your video type”.. The only option for video is H264(which looks to be defined in the config file) when your instructions suggest using MPEG as the video type(which is not available). I would be interested in seeing your current config file and to know if you are using any authentication setting with the camera. If you wanted to email me a copy of the config offline that would be fine as well. Thanks

        • brandon314 March 26, 2013 / 12:56

          I fixed the mention to MPEG4 to be H.264. Thanks for catching that.

          I presume you are running your camera/synology on the same network subnet?

          I am away from my local network right now so I cannot send you a config file. I BELIEVE there is a setting in the AirCam GUI that you need to allow RTSP connection. I will be able to look closer when I get home.

          • Synouser March 27, 2013 / 09:31

            SOLVED. Camera is working now with SS. I re-edited file to remove any whitespace that may have been included with copy/paste. Thanks again

    • brandon314 March 26, 2013 / 11:49

      I just confirmed I am running 1.1.5 and had no issues running with the older firmware.

  29. Synouser March 26, 2013 / 12:15

    It would be helpful to know what Video Type you are using with your current camera and Synology Config .. MPEG4 or H264?

  30. Synouser March 26, 2013 / 14:54

    thanks Brandon again for your assistance. Yes, they are both on the same subnet. I know the rtsp is working as I can connect with it with
    vlc with rtsp:// . The synology has an ip connection to the camera:

    DiskStation> ping -c4
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.279 ms
    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.332 ms
    64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.617 ms
    64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.281 ms

    — ping statistics —
    4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max = 0.279/0.377/0.617 ms

    I also have another camera(MPEG) that works with the SS.

    Have you ever tried to delete your camera and recreate it? It looks like the config files are used to populate the setup screen (which in this case does appear to get populated with the information contained in the config file). I would imagine that the SS takes this info and creates an interface with the camera. Would be curious to see if you can create a new association to the camera with the suggested config settings?

  31. Pongthorn Lerkraisit March 27, 2013 / 06:48

    Now I use DSM 4.2 and SS 6 AirCam FW1.1.5 without any issue too. Anyway I have some question that I cannot set “Object size” and “Trigger percentage”. How can I do to make it work?

    Thank you very much in advance

  32. Nick April 20, 2013 / 02:57

    Brandon, can you post your AirCam parameter. I can’t get it to work as posted, so it might be that my camera parameters do not fit your post. Notably your network/port settings would be interesting

    • Tejno May 3, 2013 / 00:26

      please use

      video source=”live/ch01_0″ instead of

      video source=”/live/ch01_0″

  33. mat May 28, 2013 / 22:08

    Hi there. I can view the cameras perfectly on my Mac/PC browser and on the DS Cam App (iOS), but when I look at the “Events” all cameras are garbled (on iOS only) except for the first camera. Help!

  34. dexteryout June 27, 2013 / 07:34

    Has anyone got this working with v1.2? dsm 4.2??

    • brandon314 June 28, 2013 / 12:21

      I have it functioning on current version DSM 4.2 with no issues. Surveillance Station version 6.0-6236.


      • dexteryout July 1, 2013 / 01:36

        6.0-6236?? i’m assuming that’s a typo 6.0-2636. I have the same, but get the error we have seen before. (camera test failed)

        any ideas?

        Sorry replied below in the wrong place

  35. Marco June 28, 2013 / 12:16

    Thanks for this guide – I successfully managed to connect my Aircam Dome to Synology 212j. Synology records video files as expected – however what it doesn’t have is Audio. Is anyone having live view as well as recordings available with Audio?

    Using Ubiquity Airvision Software audio works, also with direct live view connecting to the cam. According to Ubiquity the default setting of the stream is audio mute.

    I didn’t manage to get it unmuted using inbuilt SD card recording and also not by recording with SS 6.
    Any help welcome!

    • brandon314 June 28, 2013 / 12:19

      I do not have an AirDome to experiment with and as thus have not got audio working.

      Maybe someone here has?

      • dexteryout July 1, 2013 / 01:35

        6.0-6236?? i’m assuming that’s a typo 6.0-2636. I have the same, but get the error we have seen before. (camera test failed)

        any ideas?

  36. Ra July 5, 2013 / 10:16

    GREAT Tutorial !!!

    I managed to add to Synology Surveillance Station, my Dahua Video Intercom that uses a rtsp feed. So now my video intercom camera is a surveillance camera 🙂

    Your tutorial works for everything rtsp that uses h264 or mjpg codec !

    Thanks again !!!

    • Apollo July 19, 2013 / 08:44

      Can you tell me how you managed to add your Dahua?
      I only have a Dahua Cam without an audio feed.


      • Ra July 22, 2013 / 10:06

        hi there. mine is also without audio. i don’t really need audio so I didn’t even try to find out why is not working. Do you have a video intercom or a IP camera from Dahua?

    • Apollo July 29, 2013 / 07:03

      It’s the IP camera from Dahua. Just for Surveillance. But my surveillance station just can’t find my Dahua. Now i’m looking here how to manually add my Dahua to my synology. I tried by using the method posted on top of this page, but obviously that didn’t work for my Dahua. I don’t know what the video source and so on is. My cam also supports RTSP and H.264 or Mjpg.

      • Ra July 29, 2013 / 07:14

        I don’t know what the rtsp link is for the Dahua IP cams but here is the link I use for my video intercom :


        – note that it only works with admin/admin for the user pass….I don’t know why…maybe is an issue only for my video intercom.

        – should be replaced with your ip

        – try first to access your camera with vlc video player. If it works in there then it will work with synology

      • Apollo July 29, 2013 / 07:19

        Tried it with VLC and the correct IP, but it doesn’t work. Can you tell my how you found your Video Source? I think that will solve my whole issue. Thanks for the quick reply Ra!

        • Ra July 29, 2013 / 07:52

          the link was given to me by the video intercom seller 🙁
          I just sent him an email and asked him if he knows the link for the Dahua IP cams and he doesn’t. I am sorry….try looking on forums for the link ….maybe you’ll get lucky

  37. Ra July 29, 2013 / 07:52

    by the way …did you change your user name and pass to admin/admin ?

    • EDOX November 6, 2013 / 05:29

      I have test the method with a DS214 (DSM 4.3) and a AirCam mini (1.1.3) but i have no picture.

      The camera test is OK. Any idea ??

  38. r3dkross December 1, 2013 / 10:58

    First thanks for the tuto.
    I’m trying to install an “Android Cam” with an LG L7 with the “Spydroid” application. I can get the stream in vlc with the rtsp://ip:port address but nothing in Surveillance Station as the Webcam is recognized. It’s just connect and disconnect all the time.
    Do you have an idea?

  39. Greg Rubin December 1, 2013 / 17:03

    Has anyone confirmed that everything works as expected with version 6.1-2941?


    • brandon314 December 1, 2013 / 19:19

      Working good over here w/ the two AirCam’s running.

      • Greg Rubin December 1, 2013 / 20:30

        Thanks Brandon – much appreciated!!

  40. Jeremy Nelson December 4, 2013 / 15:41

    Am I the only one that had problems getting this to work until I removed the leading / from the live/ch01_0 URL in the config?

  41. Dirk December 8, 2013 / 10:11

    Can me please help somwhere?
    I have DSM3.1 on a CS407.

    I don´t find the Directorys?!


  42. RixCom January 10, 2014 / 15:53

    Recently upgraded a DS712+ to DSM 4.3-3810 and Surveillance Station 6.1-2941. The camera_model.conf and UBNT.conf are now located in /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/device_pack/camera_support/

  43. philippelefebvre February 18, 2014 / 04:41

    Hello, same problem with aircam firmware 1.2, DSM 4.3-3810 Update 1, Synology DS212. Working fine before SS6 update…
    Check is OK but always disconnected???
    Re-install done! Same problem? Any ideas?
    My UBNT.conf
    api = ubnt
    channel_list = 1
    default_channel = 1
    resolutions_h264 = 640×480, 1280×720
    default_resolution_h264 = 1280×720
    fps_h264_640x480 = 5,10,15,20,25,30
    fps_h264_1280x720 = 5,10,15,20,25,30
    default_fps_h264_1280x720 = 10
    default_fps_h264_640x480 = 10
    default_image_quality = 5
    h264 = rtsp
    rtp_tcp_only = yes
    default_username = ubnt
    default_password = ubnt

    • brandon314 February 19, 2014 / 21:20

      I just updated the instructions. They changed the config files, AGAIN. Check closely (brackets now in new places).


      • philippelefebvre February 20, 2014 / 02:38

        Hi Brandon. Many thanks for your reply. I’ve update ubnt.conf. Sorry but, still not working. Camera always disconnected. Camera test is OK. Any idea? Try to downgrade airvision firmware to 1.1

      • philippelefebvre February 20, 2014 / 02:53

        RESOLVED. Erro find in camera list.
        video source=”/live/ch01_0″

  44. Adam February 21, 2014 / 18:12

    Thanks for this.
    Question: Why specify multiple resolutions when RTSP cameras require different “video source” URLs for each resolution stream?
    My current problem, is that my camera provides two resolution streams at “/mpeg4″, and “/mpeg4cif”, but I can’t figure out in the .conf file how to create a SINGLE device with to source paths, one for live-view, and one for recording.

  45. Jeremiah Gard March 16, 2014 / 12:59

    What am I doing wrong. When i try to VI this path
    I get a error that there is no file I cannot edit this file to add the port/stream and the file under the camera*list location. If this makes sense.
    I have created the UBNT.CONF file just fine.

    • brandon314 March 16, 2014 / 14:18

      What version of DSM/surveillance station are you running?

      • Jeremiah Gard March 16, 2014 / 15:39

        Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry I did not include that info. I have the DS409 with DSM 4.2-3246.

    • Albert Zvara March 16, 2014 / 18:04

      I noticed that in the article the path is too long and the filename you need to edit was cut off. In your example, what you are trying to edit is the camera_support directory. Inside that directory you will find a file called camera_model.conf, this is the file you edit first, which references your UBNT.CONF file you create in the second step.

      • Jeremiah Gard March 16, 2014 / 19:45

        You rock that was what the issue was. I was able to edit that file camera_model.conf file and everything works great now.

  46. brandon314 March 16, 2014 / 20:56

    I adjusted the text. It always looks different on my editor than here. Sorry!

  47. Benny March 22, 2014 / 13:01

    big thx! it run’s on DSM 5, it’s a perfect solution! THX 😉

  48. Jonathan Peace March 26, 2014 / 06:27

    tcpdump showed an error on Test Connection to port 554
    video source=/live/ch01_0
    instead of video source=”/live/ch01_0″
    worked for me
    Now I have recordings, but no Live view 🙁

    • Josse Arriba March 27, 2014 / 15:13

      Removing the quotes really worked for me too.
      How do you have set up the live view source in camera management? I had to switch the source from “camera” to “Surveillance Station” to go online…

  49. Greg Rubin June 21, 2014 / 07:38

    Has anyone done an update to AirCam 3.0.7 Release?

  50. Oscar Kiilerich July 2, 2014 / 07:08

    Thanks AGAIN !!! Brandon – been using this tutorial every time I update my NAS.
    Runs on:
    Synology DS212J with DSM 5.0-4493
    Surveillance Station 6.3-3341
    Ubiquiti AirCamDome v1.2

    BUT had to change:
    video source=/live/ch01_0
    rtp_tcp_only = yes

    THX 🙂 from Denmark, Europe

  51. Krzysztof July 16, 2014 / 10:30

    I’m using Putty to modify .conf files, but i can’t save. It says – files are read only 🙁

    My hardware:
    DS214+ (DSM 5.0 – 4493)
    UBNT-UVC UniFi Video Camera

    Any help???

    • brandon314 July 16, 2014 / 10:34

      You need to become root or use sudo.

  52. Krzysztof July 16, 2014 / 10:46

    Logged as a root – saving works 🙂
    Thanks brandon314 !

  53. kralisec July 18, 2014 / 01:59

    Hello Brandon,

    I guess I find where is the problem: when copying this line using vim
    video source=”/live/ch01_0″

    This line use different encoding for character ”
    first ” is E2 80 9D in hexa and second is E2 80 B3, both cause problem,
    a good one is 22 0A

    In short: juste delete the line with video source and create manually a new one, now my aircam is running fine !!

    Happy 🙂

    • kralisec July 18, 2014 / 02:07

      correction: a good one is 22, 0A is carrier return.

  54. Krzysztof July 20, 2014 / 14:19

    Hi everyone
    Unfortunatelly after many attempts of connecting (modyfying values in conf files) my camera to Surveillance Station – it’s not working for me.
    Surveillance Station can’t see my Ubiquiti UBNT-UVC UniFi Video Camera
    Has anyone tried to connect the same camera to Surveillance Station?
    Maybe it works on different parameters than UBNT AirCam (port, video source, etc.)
    I can’t find any info on the NET about that connection parameters on UBNT-UVC.

  55. Kay van Aarssen August 4, 2014 / 03:56


    I also have a Unifi Video Camera and cannot get it to work.
    Does this model have other parameters?

  56. Renaud August 19, 2014 / 00:17

    It seems there is no camera_model.conf anymore in 6.3-3364

  57. Stefan August 21, 2014 / 00:47

    After every update it worked with my AirCam but not this time. Surveillance Station upgraded to 6.3-3364 and it doesn’t work 🙁
    Like Renaud said “there is no camera_model.conf”
    Any solution?

  58. Albert Zvara August 21, 2014 / 02:54

    I am still running 6.3-3347 are you saying that in 6.3-3364 there is no /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/device_pack\camera_support directory containing the *.conf files, or that camera_model.conf is now missing? I’d love to get my hands on SurveillanceStation directory (to avoid having to upgrade myself) as camera_model.conf is kinda the glue that references all the model specific *.conf files. It probably just got moved?

    • kralisec August 21, 2014 / 11:21

      Hello, I confirm camera_model.conf doesn’ exist anymore in 6.3.3364.

      DiskStation> find / > /tmp/liste.txt
      DiskStation> grep -i camera_model /tmp/liste.txt

      Just creating UBNT.conf seems to be enough, I can’t test myself since I don’t own ubnt webcam but entry is ok.

      Good day,

      • renaudallard August 21, 2014 / 14:36

        No, it is not enough to create UBNT.conf, if you do it, it will list UBNT, and will allow you to configure the camera, until the verification step, which will fail.
        It seems camera models are now stored in the postgresql database.

      • Zdenek August 22, 2014 / 07:51

        file camera_model not found in new version od Surveillance Station. Any idea how to make working? 🙁

      • cronek August 24, 2014 / 02:37

        It appears that the camera definitions (originally in camera_model.conf) are compiled in a number of binary libsynoss_*.so’s now. Just creating the UBNT.conf file with everything in it makes it show up in the list but SS won’t know where to get the images (RTSP port and path). Apparently synology didn’t like people adding cams they don’t officially support…

      • ielektros September 1, 2014 / 23:35

        Looks like the UBNT.conf is not enough. I created that again but didn’t work.

  59. kwyeung August 27, 2014 / 19:06

    anybody knows how to hack when no more camera_model.conf? i am still failed to configure my vstarcam there… poor

  60. ielektros September 1, 2014 / 23:43

    Looks like added a new line to cams .conf files. That is “api= “

  61. Albert Zvara September 3, 2014 / 18:29

    This is a bit of a fudge, BUT since existing camera’s continue to work (their settings are preserved somewhere), you can do a manual install from the Package Center, download the latest version we know to be working ( and either stay at that version, or upgrade and then no longer add cameras.

  62. Ertan September 14, 2014 / 02:45

    Before updating to the new version 6.3-3364 worked all cameras from me. After the update I wanted the conf files again adjust but no longer there. So I have the conf files recreated. Then I have to adjust to test one of my cameras. Now the camera does not work anymore. Does anyone have any idea and could help me.

  63. tim September 17, 2014 / 11:23

    Is it possible to get the new unifi Video camera UVC to work with synology Surveillance Station? Does anybody try with same settings?

  64. Chlo October 1, 2014 / 10:37

    Any solutions on SS 63-3364?

  65. akismetuser47913481 October 4, 2014 / 00:36

    Using DSM 5.x. and Surveillance 6.3. No camera_model.conf. So I can’t set-up my Ubiquitiy camera. Any clue on how to fix this? Thank you

    • kwyeung October 6, 2014 / 23:57

      I think the only solution is roll back to the previous version…

  66. Mads October 21, 2014 / 03:22

    Hi guys,
    Im having a lot of UBT cams running on Synology SurveillanceStation. I used to use that ‘hack’ with the configuration files (via SSH). But as we all realize now, this option is gone.
    I have now tried to take another approach. I have contacted Synology support at politely explained the problem, and thety were very open to adding the UBNT cams to the list.
    Im sure that it will be solved much quicker if they realize that we are many who are facing this problem.

    So please;
    Can every one of us write an individual mail to the suppert, asking them for updating SurveillanceSAtation to support cameras fra Ubiquiti?

    Im sure they will listen to us. Lets give it a try.
    To have an app that natively support UBNT must be the best!

    🙂 Mads

  67. brandon314 October 21, 2014 / 11:23

    So I’m running DSM 5.0-4493 Update 5 on my Synology NAS (done with a DSM full replacement/upgrade leaving the old Surveillance Station files in place under the volume) and it still works just fine with both of my cameras attached and visible.

    So perhaps it is still backwards compatible. I’m running Surveillance Station 6.3-3364.


    • renaudallard October 21, 2014 / 11:28

      As long as you don’t modify the cameras or try to add new ones, the cameras you have configured before upgrading will still work.
      It’s when you try to change something or add a new one that it fails.

      • brandon314 October 21, 2014 / 11:41

        Copy that. Sorta what I expected 🙂 Leave the sleeping beast lie!

        Anyone done poking around to see how these are implemented and if it can be retrofitted to a fresh install?

  68. Mads October 21, 2014 / 12:55

    Also here, I can still see the cams configured before. But I need to add new cams, and have already bought the neccsary extra licences for 40 cams (all UBNT already bought) to my client…

    And that led me to the conclusion, that we better go for putting a preasure on Synology (support) to include UBNT cams natively supported.

    But Im sure that it will help a lot if other people write to support individually, and ask for the inclusion.

    • brandon314 October 21, 2014 / 12:57

      I would do an older installation, configure all your cameras, then rev forward if really need the newer features. You have enough cameras (it sounds like) that it’s worth the pain of stepping back to older Surveillance Station and/or DSM version temporarily. Be forewarned that older DSM has a security hole that lets someone rootkit the system. Definitely stay current!

  69. Mads October 22, 2014 / 15:02

    I have now tried downgrading the Package (not the DSM, running latest 5.0-4528) to the last known version known SurveillanceStation to be working: 6.3-3347
    Then I try with putty to get acces to the conf file, but trying to get to any path within /volume1/@appstore/
    Im being refused with “Permission denied: 🙁
    (And I AM logged in as ‘root’ with normal admin password as supposed!)
    Can you guys access the /volume1/@appstore/ with putty and root?

    Will I really have to downgrade the DSM as well to make this work (as before)??
    And how to do a downgrade of the OS on the NAS? (Is it possible to do remote?)

    I will still urge anyone to tell the Synology support that we need them to fix this and get UBNT cams natively supported:
    Send in your request for Ubiquiti support here:
    On the ‘Camera Brands’ dropdown, there is an ‘other camera brand’ option for request of new manufactorer.

    🙂 Mads

  70. Constantine October 23, 2014 / 15:01

    Hi everybody. Just wanted to let you know that is possible on DSM 5.0-4493 Update 3 + latest Surveillance Station app. Thanx to Brandon’s blog for this info. The trick is: you need to create just UBNT.conf put the same info as it says in the first post, then add the camera and save. Of cause it is not gonna be connected, but dont worry. Then you export the configuration within the app, save it on the NAS, remember the folder where you export it. Then go to that folder and you will see five files like: .ExpCam .ExpEdgeStorage .ExpFisheye … etc. We need .ExpCam file. Go ahead and open in NotePad or other TextEdit software and change “path” and “live_path” to this:
    path = ‘/live/ch01_0’
    live_path = ‘/live/ch01_0’
    Save it and import the configuration in Surveiliance Station app. Thats it=). Enjoy

    • brandon314 October 23, 2014 / 15:07

      Hey Costantine,

      I’m happy to host the text file if you’d like me to update the info here for users of DSM 5.0 and higher. I think my contact information is on here? I will fire you an email just in-case. Thanks for your hard work!


    • Mads October 27, 2014 / 08:10

      Hi Constantine,

      Can you help/advice me how to do this:
      > you need to create just UBNT.conf put the same info as it says in the first post, then add the camera and save.

      I have now gained access to the folder, and I can create the UBNT.conf. But still no luck 🙁
      Do you have to ‘add the cameras’ WHILE you edit the UBNT.conf? Or is it, like I did, so that you create the file, and then after saving, you add the cameras the ‘normal’ way in SS-webinterface?

      This continues to give me headache….

      • constantine October 27, 2014 / 08:14

        Hi. You just need to follow the first post, without editing camera_config cause there is no such a file, after creating ubnt.conf you add the camera through the Surv.station app.

    • user November 4, 2014 / 01:28

      It works fine! 🙂

    • Haydn November 19, 2014 / 23:43

      I attempted this but the restore does not show once I have Modified the files.

      I completed all in vi to ensure there was no issue
      I also used touch to ensure the file dates and time modified were identical

  71. Mads October 23, 2014 / 16:25

    Hi Constantine and others,

    Wow, it sounds great!
    BUT… I still have problem to acces the @appstore??
    > Can you guys access the /volume1/@appstore/ with putty and root?

    How do you perform this?
    > you need to create just UBNT.conf put the same info as it says in the first post, then add the camera and save.

    Hope you can solve my puzzle 🙂

  72. kralisec October 27, 2014 / 15:19

    This is what I see on 1 Synology: latest update

    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Aug 19 16:31 /volume1/@appstore/
    (chmod 755)

    and on a different Synology: latest update

    drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 4096 Sep 27 21:11 /volume1/@appstore/
    (chmod 777)

    And yes, I can access /volume1/@appstore with putty as root (ssh)

    Hope it help 🙂

    • Mads October 28, 2014 / 13:38

      Hi kralisec,

      Thanks for your test.
      I have also gained acces to the @appstore now 🙂

      Im trying hard to get things working using the method recommended by ‘constantine’ above.

      I succed to create the UBNT.conf file, which gives me access to add the UBNT cameras via the SS-app interface 🙂
      After doing that, I do an export, edit the content-file as adviced, and import it again.
      But the cameras are still ‘interrupted’ and does not stream anything….

      UPDATE: I got it to work on DS211+ at the office 🙂
      But my client is running RS2212+, and even it exactly the same version of DSM (OS) ans SurveillanceStation (APP), it will not work.
      I have noticed that there is difference in the backupfile from the two devices, and that might be the problem.
      It seems that there are different version (hidden) of the app/os depending on the hardware!?


      • Constantine October 28, 2014 / 13:55

        It should work. Well, it works on my NAS. Does it say “interrupted” ?

  73. Constantine October 28, 2014 / 14:01

    Can you provide me with .ExpCam file?

    • Mads October 29, 2014 / 05:33

      Hi Constantine,
      Yes, sure. I can send you both the .ExpCam from my DS211+ and the one from RS2212+ (because they are not identical)
      But I need an mailadress to send it to (too long to paste here)

      Well, it does not actually says “Interrupted”, because its running in danish language, where it says “Afbrudt” (and that translates into ‘Interrupted’ in english)

      Which NAS are you running (hardware model)?

      🙂 Mads

    • Mads November 7, 2014 / 10:21

      Hi again,
      It seems that this hacks DOES work for AirCams running firmware version from 1. geration cams (ex. AirCam.v1.1.5).
      But the hack DOES NOT work on cams running new firmware for ‘UNIFI cams’/2.generation (ex. v3.0.9.25)

      I succeded to run on old firmware at the office, but after upgrading to newest firmware it is broke again in the Synology SS. 🙁

      If anyone knows ‘what is the difference’, I would really appreciate…
      It is most likely just ‘alternative settings’ that can be updated via Constantines hack (export/edit/import)

      • Renaud November 7, 2014 / 13:20

        New UniFi cams don’t have RTSP. At least it depends on the model. So some may work, but others not. UniFi cam firmware has nothing to do with the older aircam firmware.
        UniFi cams firmware is designed to connect to UniFi cam controller and nothing else.

  74. Arma November 2, 2014 / 11:50

    Hi, DS with DSM 5.0 4528, update 1 and SS 6.3 – 3364. I try’d to add Cisco’s VC220 and VC240 cameras and couldn’t get it work. Via Putty I added them into the camera list, did confix export/modify/import, but it didn’t work. Any ideas? Camera test fails.

  75. Haydn December 16, 2014 / 14:04

    as Per Constantine Post
    Below is a link to a Tar Backup folder

    In the sample Export Configuration the following are set

    ###Camera Setting I’ve used are IP: Username: ubnt Password: ubnt Camera Name Carpark South

    name = ‘Carpark South’
    hostname = ‘’
    username = ‘ubnt’
    password = ‘ubnt’

    ##Quality Setting are set to the highest level:

    path = ‘/live/ch00_0′
    live_path = ‘/live/ch00_0′

    ## Storage Allocation is 400GB

    recording_capacity = 409600

    #### Recording Location

    recording_path = ‘/var/services/surveillance/Carpark South’
    recording_prefix = ‘Carpark_South’

    Only Modify these files in the SSH shell or it will not appear in the picker list

    Hope this helps

    • Mads December 17, 2014 / 13:51

      Hi Haydn,
      Thanks for you comments on the issue.
      You link doesnt work? Would like to see your sample..
      🙂 Mads

  76. Number 8 December 29, 2014 / 10:00

    Have you noticed that since DSM 5.1, 3 Ubiquity camera are now supported?

  77. Nicolas Rabaté December 30, 2014 / 12:48

    Well, on Synology site it says that is needs device pack 3.0-0557, and the current release seems to be 2.5-0554. Could not find a way to get the latest package (update is set to automatic). Any clue?

  78. Wilson January 20, 2015 / 23:24

    Looks like the device pack v3.0-0557 is in Synology Beta v7. Anyone daring enough to download and see what they can find in the config files?

  79. Mike January 21, 2015 / 08:50

    I have installed new beta version of surveilance station and device pack automaticaly upgraded to 3.0-0-557, so I can find UBIQUITI vendor and aircam model but synology is not able to connect to camera. It looks connection is present but …
    I have another ubnt camera which I have installed a long time ago thanks to this article, so thank you very much. And this setting still works. But files which I have eddited that time do not exist anymore.
    Do you have any suggestions ?

  80. Shane January 21, 2015 / 13:37

    is there a way to get the audio on the air cam mini to work so I can hear the cameras on my surv. station I have set up. I have everything set up and all my cameras are working on my sinology station but the audio is greyed out.

  81. McFloy January 24, 2015 / 05:42


    I bought a “No Name” camera and want to include in the Surveillance Station. My camera is absolutely identical with the Foscam FI8919W Foscam but unfortunately does not the setting of the Surveillance Station. I can, however, my camera does not include the full range of functions on the user setting ie Unfortunately, the PT-function (pan, tilt) is not running.
    Now I wanted to adjust the camera manually in the system and am in the forum or Internet came across information the camera in the directory volume1 / @ appstore / Surveillance Station / device_pack / create and camera_model.conf addition to name, port and video source to edit the file.
    Now I need help because I can not find this file and therefore this information can not be deposited.
    Can someone help me?

  82. Greg Rubin February 4, 2015 / 04:59

    Has anyone updated to Surveillance Station 7 (not beta) and tried the new device pack with UBIQUITI?

  83. Wilson February 7, 2015 / 13:36

    Looks like Surveillance Station 7 make it out of beta. Just saw the update on the NAS and it running version 7.0-3742. Has native support for Ubiquiti – Aircam, AirCam Dome (W/Audio), and AirCam Mini (W/Audio)! Finally! No more manual hacks after each update. 🙂

    • Greg Rubin February 7, 2015 / 16:44

      Have you been successful with the update?

  84. robert November 25, 2015 / 20:07

    I have just bought a Ubiquiti Aircam Dome (firmware v3.1.2.38), and am NOT able to connect it to SS7. It is “disconnected”.

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